My Transition to Nontoxic Deodorant


You need to make the switch to a non-toxic lifestyle. 

Yes, we’ve all heard it.

As the message of making healthy living a lifestyle has grown way beyond just what you eat, it now embodies the cooking ware you use, the storage containers you utilize, the beauty products you put on your skin, your dental products, and more. It is so true that health isn’t just about what you are putting on the inside, but it’s also what you are putting on the outside, what you are thinking and saying too.

But let’s be real here. Switching to a non-toxic lifestyle is NOT cheap and you honestly have to gradually throw out the old and bring in the new. As I have embarked on my own journey in switching to a more non-toxic lifestyle, it has taken several tries of different products from different companies to find what really works for me. In an ideal world, everything I would use would be non-toxic, but to be honest, that is just not ideal for me and that is OKAY. So know that if it just absolutely doesn’t work for you or whatever reason it may be, that is OKAY–just do what you can when you can and where you can.

All that to say, there is one thing I was determined to completely switch over to and that was a non-toxic deodorant. My old deodorant (thank you Secret) had started to give me a rash so I knew it was time to make the switch. After doing abundant research and asking around, I had a list of companies to try, so I ordered my first one (keeping the brand name disclosed) and couldn’t wait to try it out. Now I am not going to lie, in the beginning, it was kind of awkward. I had to reapply quite often and I was getting sweatier throughout the day. Now why is that? So I did some more research and stumbled upon this great read by Primally Pure. 

So almost all of the toxic deodorants contain aluminum in them (wait WHAT)?! But that’s not all. They also contain parabens, propylene glycerol, fragrances and more. While antiperspirants seem great because they block the sweat, they are actually working in opposition to your body’s natural way of ridding itself of toxins. Okay, so this just part of the process of transitioning to a nontoxic deodorant.

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With this new knowledge, I persisted with the natural deodorant and then I got a yeast infection in my pits. YES IT HAPPENS. IT’S A THING. This can’t be a normal part of the transition, right?! I was embarrassed and confused, so I did some more research and came to find that it is actually more common that I had originally thought. If you think about it, it makes sense–your armpits are a dark, moist place which is the perfect place for some yeasty bacteria to make its home. I wanted to curet this the natural way, so I scrubbed my pits multiple times a day (especially after workout), took my daily probiotic, and did several honey & activated charcoal pit masks. I also made sure to wear breathable clothing and I would even lay on my bed with my arms raised above my head to let my underarms breathe.

Now I feel the need to mention this because I do not believe that this yeast infection was caused entirely by the natural deodorant. Also during this time, I completely gave up dairy, which is a good source of probiotics. I had learned a contributing factor to yeast infections is a lack of probiotics, so I believe this played a part as well.

As badly as I wanted to switch, I was convinced that maybe I’m just at a loss and need to forget about trying to switch. But I wasn’t going to give up yet. That’s when I ditched that old natural deodorant and began using Primally Pure because I had heard so many wonderful things! And let me just say, THIS IS THE SH!T.


My personal favorite is the activated charcoal deodorant because it basically acts as an antiperspirant without disrupting your body’s natural detoxification. For a deeper understanding of how activated charcoal actually works, read this article here on Primally Pure. I am so excited to say that I now work with the amazing Primally Pure team and have a discount code for you all to use! At checkout, use RUNNINGCARROT for 10% off your order until 6/30 (so go stock up now!) Click the link below to go to their website:

I also want to add that I am not paid to say this, but I truly adore this company and I am so grateful that they care so much about their customers. Speaking from personal experience, I can honestly say this is THE best natural deodorant out on the market–it’s life changing!


